Board & Governance

Board of Directors

James Bertram

Independent Director

Calgary, Alberta

Chair of the Board, Keyera Corp.

Emera Board Committees:

  • Management Resources and Compensation Committee
  • Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

James (Jim) Bertram joined the Emera Board as a Director in 2018. He is a member of the Management Resources Compensation Committee and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

He is Chair of the Board of Keyera Corp., one of Canada’s leading publicly traded, midstream oil and gas operators.

He was also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Keyera from 2003 until 2015 when he became Executive Chair. During this time, Jim led the company in significant growth and major acquisitions while enabling consistent delivery of value to customers and shareholders. He retired as an officer of Keyera in 2016.

Previously, Jim was Vice President of Marketing for Gulf Canada Ltd. and Vice President of Marketing for Amerada Hess Canada Ltd.

Jim is a director of Methanex Corporation, the world’s largest producer and supplier of methanol to major international markets.

He received his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Calgary.