Teams & Communities 

Teams & Communities

Across Emera, we care for each other and our communities. We work hard to be an employer of choice, support our communities and help to build a more inclusive and sustainable future. We value the safety of our teams and communities above all else.

Our People

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As we work to build and maintain high-performing teams, we’re guided by our Talent Strategy that’s focused on inclusion; talent attraction; workforce and succession planning; learning and development; performance management; total rewards and wellbeing; and employee experience.  

Emera also has an inclusion strategy that complements our Talent Strategy and is focused on leadership and accountability, attracting and retaining talent, educating, celebrating and communicating, data and metrics, and listening to and supporting our communities. Through this strategy, we continually work to foster workplaces where everyone feels welcome, safe and valued.




Community Investment

Our Community Investment Program is aligned with our corporate strategy and our values. Through the program, we’re helping to foster youth opportunities, nurture innovation and entrepreneurship, and prioritize sustainability. 

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Safety Culture & Governance

Three people wearing safety equipment

We’re focused on continual improvement as we strive for world class safety by being predictably safe, pursuing best in class safety leadership, maintaining robust safety systems and reinforcing our intentioned safety culture.

Safety governance is provided by the Safety and Risk Committee (SRC) of the Emera Board and by our executive leadership team.  

Within each of our operating companies, senior leaders are responsible for the safe operation of their facilities and for ensuring their businesses have an effective Safety Management System (SMS). A team within each company manages safety performance and risk, with a senior leader who reports to the local executive. Corporate and operating company annual scorecards include safety performance targets relevant to our safety performance to ensure we deliver on our strategic goals. 


Occupational Safety & Health Policy

Our safety culture and commitment are reinforced by our Occupational Safety and Health Policy that applies to all Emera employees and contractors. It’s reviewed annually and revised as required. 

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Additional Information

Safety Management System   
Our well-developed Safety Management System (SMS) is informed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) 45001 standard. It provides a comprehensive platform for the governance of safety policies and programs, including the consistent application of corporate standards, compliance requirements, and continual improvement across the company. We’ve implemented our SMS and robust risk management processes, with particular focus on continually improving contractor safety management, Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIF) prevention and safety leadership. 
Public Safety
Our focus on safety starts with our team and extends to our customers and the communities where we live and work. 

This includes working to reduce public safety risk at and near our operations and work sites. This can include security and safety barriers around our facilities, traffic management at and near active job sites, visible signage along pipeline and transmission routes, and public notification around vegetation management activities including trimming and spraying. When required, we also provide notification to mariners for any subsea work. 
2023 Modern Slavery Report

In May 2023, the Canadian government enacted the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (referred to as the Modern Slavery Act and the “Act”), establishing a reporting requirement for larger Canadian businesses. The Act aims to reduce both Forced Labour and Child Labour by increasing transparency in supply chains.